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Residence permits for families
Children from a European country, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
Children from a third country
Regardless of their nationality, minor children of scientists can stay freely in France without a residence permit.
However, if your child has to travel abroad, you must request a Travel document for a minor foreign national (DCEM).
The DCEM will enable your child to come back to France after a trip abroad without having to apply for another entry visa. This document, whose validity period varies depending on the parents’ length of stay, can be renewed until the child reaches 18 years of age, as long as their parents are legally in France. There is a fee of €50 to be paid in tax stamps (timbres fiscaux).
If one of the parents of the child is an EU/EEA/Swiss national, this document is free of charge.
You can now apply for the DCEM online on the dedicated website in the “je demande un document de voyage” (apply for a travel document) section.
Please go to the website of the Préfecture of your place of residence to find out which documents you need to provide and how to collect this document:
Prefecture du Rhône
Prefecture de La Loire
The child as well as one of their parents must be present to collect a DCEM.
IMPORTANT: the DCEM must be presented with a valid travel document (passport), when your child travels outside France.
If the scientist has a Talent passport (“Passeport talent”) visa/residence permit, their spouse can get a Talent passport - family (“passeport talent – famille”) authorizing them to stay and work in France.
If the scientist does not have a “Talent passport”, visa/residence permit, please contact us.
Spouse from a European country
Spouses from a third country
The spouse's visa application
More information about the visa application
Spouse's residence permit
- either a visa validation
- or a residence permit
All of these formalities can now be completed online on the dedicated website.
Renewing the spouse’s residence permit
Your spouse’s residence permit can be renewed online. A renewal application must be submitted three months before the expiry of their current residence permit.
The residence permit renewal application must be submitted no later than two months before your visa/residence permit expires. Préfectures do not accept the late submission of documents under any circumstances, applications received after the expiry date (residence permit, receipt, temporary stay authorization) are subject to a fine.
All these formalities can now be completed online on the dedicated website.
More information about the procedure to follow.
Spouse of a European scientist, from a third country
If you are a national of a European Union country, the EEA or Switzerland, you can be accompanied or joined in France by your close family members (spouse, children, parents, grand parents), regardless of their nationality.
Adult members of your family (or over 16 years of age if they want to work) must hold a residence permit.
They must submit their application within 3 months of their arrival in France on the dedicated platform.
This residence permit is free and has the status “family member of an EU/EEA/Swiss national”. (“membre de la famille d’un citoyen de l’Union/EEE/Suisse”).
Depending on the nationality of the spouse and children a short-stay visa application (under 90 days) to enter France may be required.
For more information:
- About the short-stay visa depending on your nationality
- About the residence permit for a family members on an EU/EEA/Swiss national
For more information depending on your situation, please contact us: You need to register in advance with our Euraxess France database.
Residence permit: application/renewal
Your préfecture depends on the department of your place of residence :
You live in the department 01: Préfecture de l'Ain
You live in the department 42: Préfecture de La Loire
You live in the department 69: Préfecture du Rhône
Your department number is the first two numbers of your zip code. Examples: 69100 Villeurbanne => department 69, 42000 Saint Etienne => department 42
Any questions?
If you have any doubts or specific requests, contact Espace Ulys: You need to register in advance with our Euraxess France database.